Friday, February 8, 2008


SpeedtreeCad4 lite and Standard Library

SpeedTree 4 comes in two parts. The first part is SpeedTreeCAD Lite. This is a standalone tree editing program. To create a new tree, all you need is a photograph of the bark you want to use and a photograph of the leaves. The rest you can do inside SpeedTreeCAD.

SpeedTreeCAD works in OpenGL, so you must have a reasonable OpenGL card on your system (Geforce 2 or better in most cases) for it to run properly. Once you have SpeedTreeCAD up and running you can start defining your trees starting with basic properties such as the trunk width, overall height, etc. Then you add as many levels of branches as needed for the tree type you are working with. Then you can add in the leaf level details by defining the leaf sizes and number of leaves on each branch.

Each tree that is created is also assigned a random seed number. This enables you to create unlimited numbers of trees based off the same definition, but look slighlty different. In addition, you can also define how the tree reacts to wind in SpeedTreeCAD Lite. You can define the overall effect of the wind and even see it in real time in the viewport. The viewport displays also support basic lighting effects as well.

One of the new features in SpeedTreeCAD and SpeedTree 4 is that it now fully supports the creation of palm tree types of trees through the use of Fronds. Fronds are a special leaf type that simulate palm tree type leaves. As it turns out, fronds are flexible enough, you can also use them to simulate sets of branches on your trees as well, allowing you to reduce the amount of geometry in your scene even further.

Overall, SpeedTreeCAD Lite is a powerful tool for modeling trees to work in 3ds max.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

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